My therarapeutic approach is humanistic and similar to the work of Carl Rogers (Ph.D) that he himself described as "Helping Relationship" or "Person-Centered Therapy."  I have been in continuous training, theoretically and in practice, for more than 20 years.

I started my career as a minister and a missionary followed by work for an N.G.O. with consultative status at the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations in Geneva.  I traveled around the world and met people from different cultures, religions and walks of life.   These experiences over many years helped me to observe and understand people and human nature in a wonderful way.  I am literally talking about thousands of hours of listening to others providing psychological help, care and support in order to improve their mental and physical comfort.

Like many of my colleagues, I thought that religion and spirtiuality were an appropriate laboratory to study and observe humanistic and existential topics that make up a huge part of our psyche.  I gradually realized that some of these teachings and doctrines limited individuals, being too judgmental and thus restraining very important growth towards inner freedom and the PERSON we are becoming.

My other passions being cinema and theatre I decided to study drama in Paris and New York for three years.  I wanted to develop my experience and expertise mainly to analyse the inner psychology of the characters and their actors to somehow slide myself into their skins and psyches.

This intense training gave me the opportunity to work for a while in the cinema and entertainment industry.

Since 2005 I also work with a well known international  training company where we train corporate men and women using behavioural psychology.  We help improve human interactions, train to perfect presentation and negotiation skills and offer leadership programs to managers and their teams.

I myself have undergone psychotherapy--my therapist becomimg a source of inspiration, a mentor and a "supervisor."





